Frequently Asked Questions about IELTS Reading

Frequently Asked Questions about IELTS Reading Module

Here are some of the most asked questions about IELTS Reading test that we found. These are capable of sufficing any exam related query that you might have.

Let’s take a look:

Q1) What is the test duration and format of the IELTS Reading module?

A1) The test duration for the IELTS Reading module is 60 minutes, and it has different formats for General and Academic modules. However, each module is of the same duration and has 40 questions.
For complete information about the IELTS Reading test format, visit

Q2) How many points are deducted for each incorrect question?

A2) Each correct answer is awarded 1 point. There is no negative marking for incorrect answers in the IELTS Reading test. Try not to skip any question you are uncertain of. Your guess could be more useful than the space you leave on your answer sheet.

Q3) Is it true that you are not given extra time for transferring your answers?

A3) Yes. That is because you are supposed to write directly on the answer sheet provided. The total time duration for the IELTS Reading test is 1 hour, and you possibly cannot transfer your answers twice within 1 hour.

Q4) How many passages are there in the Reading test? How should I manage my time for each?

A4) You will be given three reading passages in the General and Academic modules. The level of complexity increases with each passage. To manage the complete 1-hour duration of the test, it is suggested to spend 20 minutes on each passage. If you finish a passage in less time, use the extra time on the subsequent passages. As I said before, passages get challenging to read further. The extra time can save your scores here.

Q5) Can you tell me what kind of questions are given in the IELTS Reading Test?

A5) You can get 14 different types of questions in the IELTS Reading test. Details you can get from

Q6) Will I be provided with an extra sheet during the exam for making notes?

A6) You would be given extra sheets if you ask for them. But you can write on your reading question paper too. That will be more beneficial to you as you will locate answers quickly. Underline the critical points on the question paper or make notes right there. It will save you a lot of time.

Q7) One of my friends says he wrote his answers in capital letters. Is that allowed?

A7) Yes, it is allowed. It is a perfect strategy for writing a clear answer. If your handwriting is poor or incomprehensible, you might not get expected marks. In this case, you should write your answers in capital letters. However, make sure to maintain speed and avoid grammatical errors.

Q8) I find it challenging to understand big passages. How can I improve my reading skills for IELTS?

A8) Improve your reading skills by developing speed reading and scanning skills. For the IELTS Reading test, you necessarily don’t need to understand the passage, and you only need to locate the answer. Practice by reading academic articles and sample test papers available online.

Q9) Is there any compulsion for following the same order for passages? Can I attempt the third passage first?

A9) You definitely can answer in any order you want. There won’t be any objection.

Q10) What IELTS Reading score is generally required for admission to a University?

A10) It depends on the university how much they specify a requirement for each module. However, it would help to achieve a higher or equal to 6 bands score in IELTS Reading for University entry.

For more details about IELTS module, please visit

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